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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Whaaat? Oprah Says Why She Can't Save All My Children

"Believe me, if there was a dime left to be made from them on broadcast television it would still be happening,” she continued. “I will not be taking on the responsibility of trying to revive an institution that for all intent and all purpose indicates that that time has come for it to be over. So thank you for believing I could save them. But I really can’t.” Oprah Winfrey

I respect Oprah quite a bit, but she's dead wrong. Desperate Housewives

is a soap. The Good Wife is a soap opera. Army Wives is a soap. Heck, even WWE is soap opera but wrapped in wrestling.

Maybe the days of having a daily soap is over, but why not shrink it AMC and One Life to Live into a weekly show or make them a half an hour and focus on specific characters everyday. You could also sell the episodes on online or sell DVD packages with best of episodes.

I'm not sure what the ratings currently are on OWN, but airing these soaps on her network would add more eyeballs to OWN.

Okay, so Oprah bailed that's fine.

Dear Forward Thinking Cable  Execs,

Soaps can still make money, but there are many ways that you can still make money. I'm sure there is a cable outlet looking to boost ratings someplace.

Soap operas brings a built in fan base, who will follow their favorite show to your network.

 If that doesn't work, create a a new soap with production team and/or writers of All My Children and One Life To Live.

Just try one soap and see if it works.  If it does, you look like a genius.

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