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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Peanuts Harlem Shake is Golden!

The past few weeks,my interest of the "Harlem Shake" has quickly evaporared and when Melissa Harris Perry drove a stake through the heart of the over-hyped "dance" with her MSNBC Footnote on the real "Harlem Shake," it was a fitting end to the mostly nonrhythmic phenomenon.

However, when my pop culture in crime Leah Haslage  posted the Peanuts version of the "Harlem Shake" on Facebook, my heart grew two times bigger like the Grinch.

Watching the Snoopy dancing happily alone in front of a frowning Lucy and Schroeder then bouncing into to the dancing scene from "A Charlie Brown Christmas", officially puts a cherry on top of  a dance that was once hot but cooled very quickly.

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